
Dennis the Deer
By Adam Young (blog post)

Yesterday, I spent the evening at
one of my favorite places in the
entire world:
A beautiful old lakeside shipping
town in northern Minnesota by
the name of Duluth. Perched on
the edge of the biggest of the
Great Lakes, exploring in and
around the port city is like
spending a day at the ocean in
the heart of the Midwest. A
lovely place. A fish can breathe
out here.
Minus the inevitable blustery
winter that blows in from the
lake every December, I would
absolutely love to live in Duluth
someday. It has such character,
such history, such class.
And nearby, there’s a little airport
boasting an ironic name:
You’ll be pleased to know that I
made a mean taco salad the
other night. I’ve never
considered myself a master of
the culinary arts and my 3rd
degree burned pancakes can
certainly attest to my
incompetence. However I have
been known to assemble a
luscious taco salad from time to
time. And lest we forget the
classic recording staple, it’s
worth mentioning that an
incredible amount of coffee has
been guzzled over the past week
as well. There again, I’ve never
been a hardcore coffee drinker
but there’s nothing better than
the way a house smells after a
fresh pot of coffee has been
brewed. It makes me wanna buy
school supplies.
Writing is progressing nicely and
recording is just around the
corner, which brings to mind a
truly classic Tom Hanks quote:
“The entrance to our store is
around the corner and there’s no
other way of saying that.”
Caviar is a GARNISH!
Ideas are hatching. Inspiration
has been struck. Sneaky plans
are being formulated.
I also recently got my grubby
hands on an Orange AD30.
Me likey.
In the meantime, I’ve become
pals with a white-tailed deer
who recently moved into the
neighborhood. I heard him
rooting around in the bushes the
other evening and ran outside to
meet him. His name is Dennis. He
is my friend.
We frolic day after sunny day in
royal abandon, sharing that
sweet and every magical bond
between boy and deer.
I’m really looking forward to the
Fourth of July this year. I’m
gonna eat so many hotdogs, it’s
not even funny.
Actually, yeah it is.
It’s hilarious.

Old school Easter eggs.